Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Volunteers Needed

A few weeks ago, a half-sheet of paper went home with the following information. Thank you to all of those who have volunteered already!! We are still in need of a few more volunteers. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are willing and/or able to help us out. Thanks!

"On the afternoon of Friday, March 31, the third graders will be participating in a reenactment of immigrating to America through Ellis Island. Please consider volunteering to be in the simulation or feel free to stop in to watch our class. If interested in volunteering, please return this note. The students will be asked to dress in attire that portrays the long ago time period, so you may want to start gathering some items. In addition, if you are volunteering it is great to have everyone in character so you may dress in attire that portrays the late 1800's as well."

Thanks! :)

Opinion Unit

The third graders have been working hard lately on their opinion unit in writing. As one of the introductory activities, the kiddos first planned and wrote out individual pieces on why they think our classroom needs more flexible seating options. Next, they shared their pieces and ideas and we came up with a list of common ideas and thoughts. Together, the class combined their ideas and wrote one big letter to Mr. Welnetz. Yesterday, the third graders had an opportunity to present their opinion letter to Mr. Welnetz. They did great! Mr. Welnetz armed us with a list of our next steps to tackle this situation. We are excited! Stay tuned for more information. 

Immigration Research

All of Suamico's third graders have been working hard this week to research and learn about a country of their choice.  Students have set questions that they are focusing on and using a variety of print and internet resources to tackle their research.  At the end of our unit, students will be expected to present their country to their classrooms. The kiddos are off to a great start!

Science Experiments Galore!

I'm not sure how I missed it, but I somehow forgot to upload pictures from our Rocks and Minerals Science experiments. The third graders loved wrapping up our unit with lots of hands-on experiments and activities. First, the kiddos got to look at a variety of rocks and minerals and describe their streak, hardness, luster, and if they were transparent, opaque or translucent. 

The kiddos also got to learn about the two different types of volcanoes. They learned that the two types of volcanoes have very different lava textures. Be sure to quiz your child about them at home tonight.

The third graders also learned about rock erosion. We learned that a mountain can not last forever and experimented by shaking sugar cubes to see how rock particles erode over time.

Teacher Desk Take-Over

Recently, this sweet third grade boy saved up 250 of his hard earned dojos to buy Teacher Desk Take-Over for the day! He even brought in a box of items labeled "Stuff for Teacher Desk Take-Over" that he used to decorate "his space." He sure did look pretty cool sitting there all day! Congrats, Bud!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Interest Fair Resource Page

Many of our third graders have signed up for this year's interest fair. Please check out the link below for more information, samples and links regarding the fair.