Thursday, September 28, 2017

Making Connections

The 2nd graders have been working on making connections while they read. They learned about 3 types of connections:
1. Text to Self
2. Text to World
3. Text to Text

We discussed the difference between a cool coincidence (the character's name is Peggy and my mom's name is Peggy) and a connection that helps us understand the story better (this book is about how to take care of a dog and I got a puppy last summer so I know about training and bathing, etc.). We always want to ask ourselves the essential question:
"How does this connection help me as a reader?"

The 2nd graders were then sent off to practice this new skill and took a try at finding connections in books from their book bins. We will continue to work on this skill at school and I encourage you to practice it with your child at home. 

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