Monday, October 8, 2018

2nd Grade Updates and Reminders

We sure have been busy in 2nd grade lately! Here are a few updates and reminders:

*In math, students have been working on different strategies for solving addition and subtraction facts. Some of these strategies include doubles facts (2 + 2, 4 + 4, 9 + 9 etc.), doubles plus 1 (2 + 3, 4 + 5, 9 + 10, etc.) and doubles plus 2 (2 + 4, 4 + 6, 9 + 11, etc.). If you are looking for something to work on at home with your child, I recommend practicing his or her doubles facts.  Students have also worked on skip counting and counting by two's. 

*In reading, students have been working on utilizing different strategies for figuring out tricky words. We have especially put a lot of focus on thinking about what would make sense while reading. Students have also learned how to flip a vowel sound, stretch a word out, look at prefixes and suffixes and the middle parts of words.

In Social Studies, we have continued to learn about life long ago, specifically colonial days. Students have learned that life long ago looked very different than life today. Be sure to ask your child about some of the major differences at home!

*One quick way to get pictures and updates on the happenings of our classroom is to check out our Twitter page. It is easy and quick for me to add photos of the kiddos in our classroom learning. The link is:

*In case you missed our Tweet about it, we had a blast celebrating National Talk Like a Pirate Day! The kiddos were invited to wear pirate apparel or Bay Port Pirate apparel. We also learned about Pirate Mark and the /ar/ pattern!

 *Picture day was last week! The 2nd graders looked fantastic. 
Here are a few pictures of our group:
We wanted to be sure we got a picture with Mrs. Raisleger and Mrs. P! 
With all that serious smiling, we had to take a silly picture, too! 
Miss Makenna and I had fun wearing our coordinating floral tops with
 ruffle sleeves together. :) 

*Our field trip to Heritage Hill is coming up this Thursday, October 11th. We are excited to learn more about life long ago and get some great hands-on experiences. The forecast for Thursday is currently looking a little dreary. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for the weather as this is an outdoor field trip. I suggest rain boots, hats, glove and sweatshirts. 
See the source image

*We will have a Fall Celebration in our classroom on Wednesday, October 31st. I welcome all families to join us for this special event! If you are interested in helping out with this event by bringing a snack or planning a game or craft activity, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

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