Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Updates and Reminders

We sure do have a lot to look forward to in our classroom! Here are a few reminders:

Tuesday, February 12th: The 100th Day of school! The whole school is invited to dress like you're 100! Think sweaters, tucked in plaid shirts, glasses, loafers, rollers in your hair... the possibilities are endless! Check out Pinterest or other sites for tips if you need help. Here are some images I found on Pinterest:
100th Day of School costume.  Toddler Old Man costume.Squarehead Teachers: 100th day of school idea for kindergarten or first grade! Dress up like they were 100 years old!
Here is an example of our class from last year, as well:

Tuesday, February 12th: Please bring in boxes for our valentine mailboxes. For more information on this, please see the Valentine letter that went home. 

Thursday, February 14th: Valentine's Day! We will be passing out valentines in class on this day. If you need help getting supplies, I would be happy to provide you with construction paper. Please let me know. We will also have our Valentine's Day Celebration! Please join us. We will have our celebration from 2:15-3:15 in the afternoon. 
*If possible, please have your child wear red, white and/or pink to school on this day! :) 

Monday, February 18th and Thursday, February 21st: Parent Teacher Conferences. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you regarding your child's progress!

Friday, February 22nd: Half-Day for students

Friday, February 22nd: Scholastic Book Orders due

Tuesday, February 26th: Annual Suamico Family Read-a-Thon! (Click on image to enlarge for more details.) 

Friday, March 8th: Early Release

Friday, March 15th: Please wear green to school to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

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