Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Updates and Reminders :)

With all of the snow days and changes in schedules, I want to give you all a quick update.

Tomorrow, February 14th we will still have our Valentine's Day Celebration from 2:15-3:15. The 2nd graders are all welcome to bring valentine's for their friends. Please refer to the letter that was sent home regarding our celebration last week for more details. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! 

We will also celebrate the 100th day of school tomorrow, February 14th. Please allow your child to dress like he or she is 100 years old. Please see my previous blog post for some ideas or tips to help you dress your child for this fun day. As always, participation is optional, but encouraged. :) 

Can you believe that Parent Teacher conferences are already taking place next week?! Today, I will send home a letter with your child if you are signed up. If you do not receive a letter but think that you signed up, please let me know. Please have the bottom of this sheet filled out and returned to me as soon as possible. :)

Timelines for our social studies unit are due this Friday, February 15th. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please let me know!

Our Scholastic book order is also due this Friday, February 15th. Quite a few orders have been made this month already... I'm so happy to see that! As a mom myself, I truly believe Scholastic books provide the best value for building home "libraries." :) 

Our next Field Trip has officially been booked! We will be going to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary on Friday, May 10th. More information will be coming to you soon. If you are interested in chaperoning this field trip, we would love to have you! Please let me know. 

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